A chronicle of my Frugal Feasting exploits as I travel my way about life

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Thursday, June 3, 2010



Okay so I like to eat, not only do i like to eat but I like to indulge. And what better way to indulge than to do so without doing damage to your wallet? Thus came the inspiration for this blog. As a college student with a big appetite and an ever expanding crave for not only new tastes but pocket friendly tastes, I've decided to chronicle my culinary explorations through this blog.

So how am I to do this?

...well I haven't quite figured that out yet but the general idea is that I will review every eatery, restaurant, diner, food stand, and any other vendor of enticing edible goods that I encounter that serves a substantial meal for less than $6. Then maybe I'll rate them on a few dimensions of satisfaction including but not limited to:

Price/Taste Ratio

well those are just a few ideas I have so far but I'm quite sure I'll add a few more once I give it some undivided thought and attention.

so with out further ado I invite you on my journey as I taste my way through life, the universe, and everything...

this is $ix Dollar $itdowns